Seven Sacred Teachings

Seven Sacred Teachings

The Seven Sacred Teachings are values based on First Nations cultural tradition. Each teaching is represented by a different animal and are positive guiding principles in our everyday lives. 

At Pine Street Elementary, we base classroom lessons and our character building education around the seven sacred teachings. As a school community, we focus on and explore a new trait throughout the course of the school year. 

OctoberLove: It is important to care for one another.

NovemberRespect: Give it, earn it, receive it. 

DecemberCourage: Let nothing stand in the way of doing the right thing.

JanuaryHonesty: Better to fail with honesty than succeed by fraud.

MarchHumility: To be humble about your accomplishments is to be strong.

AprilWisdom: Knowledge comes from hard work and dedication.

MayTruth: It is always easiest to speak the truth.